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Different types of Diamond Cuts and Settings for Rings

Diamonds are greatly governed by their cut, which is also an important determinant in the price of the stones. Small angles are etched on the surface of every stone. These angles are called facets and are responsible for the final look of the stone. All the glitz and sparkle of these gems depend on these facets. There are many different kinds of cut of these stones. You need to pay extra attention to the cut if you are planning to buy a ring studded with these sparkling stones as the appearance and appeal of the ring will depend solely on the cut and the type of setting. Much like cuts, diamond rings also have different kinds of settings that lend it a characteristic look.

Let us first talk of cuts. Some examples of the cuts are marquise, cushion, princess, heart, pear, round, emerald, etc. The marquise cut is an oval shaped diamond with pointed edges. The cushion cuts is between a rectangle and oval and appears like a pillow. This cut is also known as an antique cut. The princess cut is very popular and is square in shape. The heart cut is a heart shaped diamond, while the pear cut looks similar to a pear and is pointed towards one end. The round cut gives rise to round shaped the precious stones and is very sparkling owing to the large number of facets on it. The emerald cut is similar to an emerald and is rectangle in shape with cropped corners.

Like cuts, there are variety of settings for diamond rings. The prong setting, bezel setting and channel settings are the most common settings for rings. If you are looking for something exclusive then you can get a customized ring made. The prong setting is mostly used for solitaires, especially single stones that are set in a basket kind of grip, lending prominence to the stone rather than anything else. The bezel setting has a diamond that is set off in a collar like arrangement. This is a more secure setting and gives the ring a streamlined look. The channel setting has many stones arranged in a straight line and gives the ring a tidy appearance. The invisible setting is similar to the channel setting. These settings are good if you are looking for many stones in your ring.

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