Orenis Better

How It Works

Examine you jewelry for stampings and markings that tell you what the karat value is. Look for appraisal documents that describe the item.

Follow our Easy Step Process

Step 1
Step 1

Bring all your new or used gold, silver platinum, palladium, antiques heirlooms, estate, diamond jewellery, gold dental fillings, silver flatware, cutlery, watches and purses.

Step 2
Step 2

Bring your items to Oren’s location for an onsite appraisal.

Step 3
Step 3

We will offer you top dollar for your valuables.

Estate Jewellery

Need help with parent or grandparents estate we can help from selling a home to the last cup and saucer.

Customer service and convenience are key elements of business and we at Oren provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee because of our honest, professional and reliable service when we buy gold, diamonds and jewelry from clients. Call us toll free at 1-647-234-2274.



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