Maybe you like buying new handbags or are just in need of some cash for your next investment, or maybe you have a designer bag that you haven’t used in a long while. No matter the reason, it’s usually a great idea to get rid of old clutter and make some room in your life for the new. Keeping true to our values at Oren Is Better, our aim is to make sure you get the best deal once you decide to sell something from your designer handbag collection.
In this blog-post, we will go over some of the most popular ways of determining how much the bag is worth among other things that you should look out for. Hopefully, it can ensure you sell your handbags in the safest, easiest and most rewarding way possible.
Figure out the Worth
One of the best ways of determining how much your pre-owned designer bag is worth is to check how much similar bags have been sold for in the recent past. You can check online re-sale sites to find out more about it. Also, it should not be very hard to do this as you can simply type in the bag’s name on Google along with its style. However, keep in mind that the condition of your bag will significantly affect its resale value.
Know All of Your Resale Venue Options
There are numerous websites such as Kijiji and eBay where you can sell your pre-owned designer handbags and get a decent price for it. But, before you try and sell it online, consider whether the bag will do better with a more focused group. For example, if you are looking to sell your Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton or Hermès, there are certain companies whose client list can help you zero in on buyers who will be willing to pay top dollar for such brands. They will also not expect a huge discounted deal simply because the bag is pre-owned.
Consider Re-sale Fees
If you have decided to go with an online resale venue, know that there might be some fees associated with using the service for selling your bag. You should also factor in the fees the company may take from the final selling price on the bag. This fee can vary from half of the total sale price to a few percentage points of the bag’s full price. It all depends on the number of bags you wish to sell and the bag itself. So, ensure you find out about all this from beforehand so that there are no surprises.
Know What Matters
Bags belonging to big brands have tiny authenticity markers which experienced shoppers will look for when purchasing items from the re-sale market. They are often a bag’s details such as the internal stitching, tags, handle attachments, heat stamping and markings on the zippers. Generally, these things are very heavily scrutinized to ensure the bag is genuine and not some kind of copy. You are also more likely to receive a better price for a product that has big clear pictures with details. If you are taking care of the selling process by yourself or getting help from a reseller, you should make sure they are fully aware of what they are doing.
You should be absolutely comfortable with the reseller you choose to work with. It is okay to shop around but taking anything that seems like the best deal may not always be the best choice. Selling your handbag to just anyone who has an account on Instagram is neither the fastest nor the surest way of getting a sale and good value for it. Make sure you choose a reseller who has an existing proven track record in marketing and selling bags.
Reselling designer handbags that you no longer use can prove to be fulfilling in numerous ways. You will have more space in your closet, find a new home for the bag while also making some money on it. As long as you keep the above mentioned tips in mind, you should be absolutely fine.