Designer handbags are not only a craze among women worldwide but they also have a strong hold on the resale market. There are many designer handbags that are considered more valuable than some of the vintage pieces. The increase in second-hand shopping and the trend of owning branded accessories have lead to a rise in demand for pre-owned handbags from famous fashion houses and labels.
If you have a designer handbag lying in your closet, then it can be a good investment piece for you. You can sell it to a certified dealer and get a good price out of it. But, the resale value of a handbag depends on the brand it belongs to. Only a handful of them are considered valuable. Go through the list of the top 4 designer handbags that have the best resale value.
Hermès handbags are one of the most iconic in the world. They’re known for their excellent craftsmanship. These bags feature fine a leather body, hand stitching and beautifully dyed colours that give them a luxurious look. They have two famous bags, the Kelly and the Birkin, that are not available at average retail stores. You have to book one and get it custom made by paying a four to five figures price at least. If that’s not enough, the waiting list for these bags is almost 6 years thus making it the most sought-after bag in the world.
Chanel bags are the timeless pieces that every girl wants in her closet. They have become a symbol of luxury because of their fashion brilliance and the best-in-class quality. Their caviar leather bags are of such great quality that they can last a lifetime. The iconic leather-and-chain straps of these bags make them instantly recognizable. The prices of Chanel bags increase up to three times a year, thus making them a worthy of investment. These designer handbags are so popular that there are many fake ones running on the market. So, be careful when buying one.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton handbags created a trend of monogram-printed designs. Everyone recognizes these handbags because of their logo and interlocking pattern. LV handbags are not made of leather. In fact, they are coated canvas bags with a leather trim. These stylish bags are durable and complete trendsetters. The scarcity of these bags has earned them a popular spot in the resale market. You’ll make a good profit by selling this pre-owned designer handbag if it is in good condition.
When it comes to Gucci bags, the name is enough to describe their popularity. The timelessly chic handbags from this fashion house are famous for their style, variety, and design. Unlike other brands on the list, Gucci focuses on using earthy materials such as cotton canvas instead of leather to make handbags. This ability create stylish designs with not-so-traditional materials makes Gucci a well-known brand in the resale market. If you have a Gucci bag with you, consider yourself lucky and soon-to-be rich.
Buying and selling of second-hand designer handbags is a popular trend. You can also be a part of it too if you have one of Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton or Gucci handbags. There are many dealers in Toronto who offer instant cash for pre-owned designer handbags. Go to a trusted dealer and make a profit.